BOHEMIA - Bernese Mountain Dog

BIS puppy 2010, Qualification CRUFTS 2011, Slovak Club Show Junior Winner 2010,
Czech Junior Champion 2010, Grand Prix Slovakia Junior Winner 2010,
Junior winner of special club show 2010, Slovakia Junior Champion 2010, Club Youth Champion SK 2010,
The Best Youth Female SKŠSP 2010, Slovac Champion 2011, Czech Champion 2012, Slovak Grand Champion 2012, Derby Winner 2013
2nd place The Best Bitch SKŠSP 2013, National Winner 2014
International Champion, Czech Grandchampion 2014, Champion ČMKU 2014
Slovak Veteran Champion 2017, Czech Veteran Champion 2017

SHOWS 2013 - 2014

International Dog Show Double CACIB Praha (CZ), 2. listopadu 2014
Champion-class: Excellent 3
judge J. Matyáš (SK)

International Dog Show Double CACIB Praha (CZ), 1. listopadu 2014
Champion-class: Excellent 1 CAC, CAC ČMKU, CACIB, BOB
judge Aniko Istvánné Juhász (HU)

Special Club Show SKŠSP, Vrútky (SK), 11. října 2014
Open-class: Excellent 1 CAC
judge E. Fedorovičova (RU)


National Dog Show Brno (CZ), 28. 10. 2014
Champion-class: Excellent 1 CAC, CAC ČMKU
National Winner 2014
judge Šimek (CZ)

Calamity Cayenne Bermondo Bohemia Calamity Cayenne Bermondo Bohemia Calamity Cayenne Bermondo Bohemia

International Dog Show CACIB Č. Budějovice (CZ), 21. 9. 2014
Champion-class: Excellent 1 CAC, CAC ČMKU, CACIB
judge M. Bíroš (SK)

Cayenne Bermondo Bohemia

Club Show Speciální výstava KŠSP (CZ), 13. 9. 2014
Open-class: Excellent
judge Eva Procházková (CZ)

Club Show Velký Meder (SK), 24. 5. 2014
Class of honour: Excellent 2
judge H. Kappetijn (GE)

Rožnov pod Radhoštěm (CZ), 11. 5. 2014
Class of honour: Very good 1
judge A. Residori

Club Show Rožnov pod Radhoštěm (CZ), 10. 5. 2014
Class of honour: Excellent 1
judge E. Fedorovicheva

Cayenne Bermondo Bohemia

International Dog Show DUO CACIB Bratislava (SK), 26. 10. 2013
Champion-class: Excellent 1 CAC CACIB BOS
judge J. Štefancová

International Dog Show Bratislava (SK), 18. 8. 2013
Champion-class: Excellent 1 CAC res. CACIB
judge Dakić Rade (SRB)

International Dog Show Bratislava (SK), 17. 8. 2013
Champion-class: Excellent 1 CAC
judge Pettkó Csaba (HU)

International Dog Show Mladá Boleslav (CZ), 21. 7. 2013
Champion-class: Excellent 1 CAC, CACIB, BOB, BEST IN GROUP 4
judge A. Szutkiewicz (PL)

Cayenne Bermondo Bohemia

International Dog Show Nitra (SK), 2. 6. 2013
Champion-class: Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, Derby Winner 2013, BEST OF BREED
judge M. Václavík (CZ)

Cayenne Bermondo Bohemia - BOB
(foto CHS Ladyca Bern)
Cayenne Bermondo Bohemia - CACIB
(foto CHS Ladyca Bern)

International Dog Show Nitra (SK), 1. 6. 2013
Champion-class: Excellent 3
judge T. Havelka (SK)

Club Show SKŠSP (SK), 25. 5. 2013
Champion-class: Excellent 2 res CAC
judge Zoltán Baffia (HU)

Cayenne + Emma Bermondo Bohemia Cayenne + Emma Bermondo Bohemia Cayenne + Emma Bermondo Bohemia Cayenne + Emma Bermondo Bohemia

Special Club Show Rožnov p. Radhoštěm (CZ), 11. 5. 2013
Class of honour: Excellent 1
judge Ing. Eva Mayerová (CZ)

International Dog Show DuoCACIB Brno (CZ), 2. 2. 2013
Champion-class: Excellent
judge Brathen Ulf (DK)

International Dog Show Trenčín (SK), 27.1.2013
Champion-class: Excellent 3
judge G.Ridarčíková (SK)



© MVDr. Kateřina Ouřadová
Vytvořil a spravuje: Ing. Jar. Kaňka aka hamstergraf